Monday, June 16, 2008

Father's Day

This past weekend Casey got to celebrate his first Father's day. It was very special. Cameron is VERY unpredictable in his car seat. Sometimes he tolerates it, sometimes he sleeps, but USUALLY he screams. In an effort to avoid this we left for Covington Saturday night around 10 when he went to sleep for the night. Naps are hit and miss lately. He use to be fairly consistent; lately you never know, so we decided night was safe. He did great and slept the whole time. We got to take him to church for the first time. It was fun, although his Meme was a "baby hog" the whole time. We don't mind. We know she is just proud. We then got to spend some time with Nanny and Pop and Aunt Abbey and Uncle Bryan. It was a fun day overall. Cameron was good for most of the trip. He had his occasional fussy baby moments, but no major meltdowns that couldn't be stopped. He is doing so much more these days. He holds his head up all the time, and will try to crawl up you when you put him on your shoulder. He even rolls over. He can go from his back to his side and now he can get from his side to his belly...almost. He gets his whole body but his bottom shoulder gets stuck. It makes him SO frustrated, but it is cute! He is using his arms more now and smiling ALL the time. It is beautiful. Things are going good, and tomorrow he will be exactly 8 weeks. Time flies!

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