Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Little Scooter...

Our little man is getting too big too quick! I know this looks painful, but my sister says he needs tummy time, and this is what he does when we lay him down. He can also get up on his knees and elbows already, but then doesn't know what to do so he lays back down. We have yet to get a picture of this, but it seems like he might start crawling early...who knows? Anyway this is a little video of him scooting across his play gym. He's such a strong boy! :)

Sunday, June 22, 2008

2 months old!

Well we have survived the first 2 months, and while they have been hard they have been so much fun! Cameron is such an amazing little boy. He is developing so much and changing everyday. He plays, smiles, sleeps in his big crib in his own room. He tries to hard to hold his head up. He lays on his belly and scoots! We both think he is too little, but he does it anyway! We are so blessed to have this perfect little baby, although he isn't so little anymore. He is an armful now! I don't have much more to add, but I am posting some pictures from his "2 month birthday!" He is TOO cute! :)

Friday, June 20, 2008

Cameron's room- No Vacancy!

My child has slept with me everynight for practically the past year, or at least since he was conceived. For 9 1/2 months, he slept in my belly. I took him to bed with me everynight. There was a comfort in knowing he was there and safe. Nothing could happen to him without me being aware of it. Then once he was born and we came home, for the first month he slept on my chest (I know, shame on me!). It was the only place he would sleep. I would lay him down and he would cry and so we slept, everynight on the couch, him and me. After the first month he began to sleep in his co-sleeper crib. It is a small bed that is attached to our bed. You get the benefits of the baby being in the bed without the dangers. You can't roll over on them or smother them accidently, but you can see them and touch them or get them within seconds once they begin to cry. I could roll over and see him, hear him breathing, and touch him. Tonight however Cameron is in his big crib, in his own room. It started this morning. He was ready for a nap and Casey was still in the bed. I am trying to let him put himself to sleep with a LITTLE crying before I step in, and I didn't want him to wake up Casey. I put him down in his big crib, and he was fine. So by this afternoon we were moving the monitors into his room so he could begin sleeping in there. His big crib is much more comfortable, and he was starting to outgrow the mini co-sleeper anyway. He is obviously ok with this move, because he has been asleep since 8. I got him at 10, gave him a bottle and his medicine and laid him back down. He has stayed asleep ever since. But me, it is 11:40 and I'm not ok with it. We have the movement sensor monitor on Casey's night stand and the video monitor on my night stand, and still I can't sleep. I keep sneaking in his room to look at him and watch him sleep. As I got in the bed I looked at the empty co-sleeper and felt sad. My baby boy made his first step to growing up, and I am not ready. I honestly feel like going to get him, laying him on my chest, and sleeping with him on the couch like I did his first night home. I could have never imagined the connection I would feel to this little man. My whole world revolves around him and I am ok with that. I want the very best for him and nothing less. I want to make all the right decisions and do what is necessary to make him strong and successful...I guess sleeping in his own room is a start. I don't know many strong and successful men that sleep in their parents' room, but I just wasn't ready. He is though, so I will go peak at him one more time, rub his sweet, perfect little head, and hopefully fall asleep, although it may be a long night of watching the monitor!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Father's Day

This past weekend Casey got to celebrate his first Father's day. It was very special. Cameron is VERY unpredictable in his car seat. Sometimes he tolerates it, sometimes he sleeps, but USUALLY he screams. In an effort to avoid this we left for Covington Saturday night around 10 when he went to sleep for the night. Naps are hit and miss lately. He use to be fairly consistent; lately you never know, so we decided night was safe. He did great and slept the whole time. We got to take him to church for the first time. It was fun, although his Meme was a "baby hog" the whole time. We don't mind. We know she is just proud. We then got to spend some time with Nanny and Pop and Aunt Abbey and Uncle Bryan. It was a fun day overall. Cameron was good for most of the trip. He had his occasional fussy baby moments, but no major meltdowns that couldn't be stopped. He is doing so much more these days. He holds his head up all the time, and will try to crawl up you when you put him on your shoulder. He even rolls over. He can go from his back to his side and now he can get from his side to his belly...almost. He gets his whole body but his bottom shoulder gets stuck. It makes him SO frustrated, but it is cute! He is using his arms more now and smiling ALL the time. It is beautiful. Things are going good, and tomorrow he will be exactly 8 weeks. Time flies!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Single Mom???

Cameron and I survived our first night without Daddy. He left yesterday morning around 4 to go to basketball camp in Valdosta. It was a LONG day and thank goodness Laura came by to help out last night. Cameron didn't nap much yesterday and for some reason didn't go to bed until 11 last night, which is really unusual. Laura came by last night to take care of him and get him to sleep while I washed bottles and did the daily laundry of all the spit up clothes and burp cloths. I'm so glad she did. If she hadn't I wouldn't have ever gotten to bed, and I needed it. Cameron woke up at 2:15 and 5:30 to eat. He went back to sleep after both feedings so it wasn't too bad. We do miss Daddy though. I have been sending him pictures and video clips to get him through the separation until tonight. We will be so glad to see him. I am even more grateful now that Cam has such an involved Dad. I have so much respect for single parents. I don't know how they do it day after day. I know I will be SO happy when my "other half" comes home! :)
On another note, Cameron went to his first softball games this week. He LOVES outside and did really good. Everyone LOVED him (of course). We found out we were pregnant last year when Casey and I were both coaching softball. We had our first scare during one of the games and the kids and the parents were always so supportive of us, so it was fun to take him there and show him off.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Just thinking...

For some reason Cameron decided to stay up late tonight. As I begged him to go to sleep so I could do the same I just thought how lucky I am. Casey and I are two of the luckiest people I know. I think of myself and the life God has so graciously given me, and I know I am totally unworthy. There are people around me everyday who deserve the fabulous things of life that I have, but they don't have them. I know people who give and attend church faithfully; they are leaders in their church, and yet can't conceive a baby. I know others who have a stronger walk with the Lord than I currently do, and yet they miscarry, and there is me...I love God, and I have had a long relationship with him. There have been times when I was so close I could feel him and other times I have strayed, but God is so faithful and loving. I look at my life and think how can You be so great to me? I have an amazing husband who loves me unconditionally. I trust him with my life, and I know he will always take care of me. I have the most beautiful child in all the world. He is healthy and happy. Everyday he does something else to amaze me. I am so unworthy. I don't deserve any of it, and still he loves me so much he gave it to me anyway. I am so grateful for my amazing life.

Changing Time!

Cameron HATED being changed the first month or so of his life. He screamed like you were killing him, but now it is one of his favorite times. He will lay there and smile and look and try to talk. He really enjoys it now. He was especially happy this particular changing because he had just wet Daddy! I think he is adorable!

Swinging Time

Here is Cameron in his swing. This is his favorite swing right now. He still prefers being held, but he will stay in his swing for a while!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

June 10, 2008

WWhheeww....We SEEM to have found the answer to Cameron's belly/crying issues. We took him back to the doctor last week and told him he HAD to try something else. Cameron had gotten where he cried practically every minute he was awake and was spitting up SO much! We changed formula and put him on more medicine. I feel like it is a science experiment everytime we make his bottle. I hate having to give him so much medicine, but he is a TOTALLY different baby now. He slept 6 1/2 hours last night between feedings and before he was waking up every 2 hours crying. He is so much fun when he is awake. He is alert and is looking at everything and everybody. He has started smiling all the time. He makes the sweetest noises. Last night he and Casey were playing. Casey would lean his head to one side and Cameron would stare and him and follow him. He was adorable. Cameron has become so much fun, and I am so glad we are getting to stay at home with him now. These times are priceless and I'm glad we get to be here to experience them all. I'm putting lots of pictures up to catch everyone up. Sorry I've been such a slacker!

June 2, 2008

I always seem to fall behind when updating this blog!!! Taking care of Cameron keeps us busy! We went to our first basketball game. Cameron did great. He actually slept through the first two games and then woke up for the last one. He was fussy when he woke up so I had to stand up and bounce with him to be able to stay, but he did good overall. Casey is very glad we were there. It is important for me to add Cameron to our lives and let him experience what we do instead of shutting everything down and staying at home with him. He slept so good the first few games. Everyone was impressed, but I thought about it and in my belly all he heard was whistles and buzzers and the sounds of basketball. It was probably almost comforting in a weird way to hear it all again. Besides that Cameron has started staying in his swing more, playing on the floor and on his tummy, and doesn't scream though a diaper change. This is a welcomed change. In the beginning you would have thought he was being stabbed. Now he will lay there and look around while you take your time changing his diaper and even his clothes. He has gotten really fussy and spits up so much with his new colic formula. If it doesn't get better we are going to go back to the doctor and see if we need to change his medicine or up the dosage. Sometimes he will cry for over an hour. It breaks your heart. He has good and bad days. The good days and his sweet face make the bad days worth it. He is still amazing. I'm attaching some pics from the basketball game and some of him playing. He is still TOO cute!! :)

Monday, June 9, 2008

May 22, 2008

Sorry for not posting anything lately. We have had our hands full! Casey has been wrapping up school and I have been taking care of our sweet colicy boy. He has good days and bad days. The worse if feeling so helpless as to how to make him better. I wish I could take it away from him! we celebrate his ONE MONTH birthday! He is changing and growing so much! He is drinking 5 ounces of formula now during each feeding. He still eats every 3 hours. Sometimes when we are lucky he sleeps late at night, but never much more than 4 hours. The biggest news however is he sleeps in his bed! I admit now, that he was sleeping with me on the couch until then. I know the dangers, but he would cry everytime you laid him down alone. I finally decided it was time. He doesn't like sleeping on his back, so he sleeps on his stomach. Again, I know the dangers. We have 2 monitors for him. One is a video monitor where we can see him in the living room. The second is a motion monitor. If he stops breathing or it detects no movement an alarm sounds. It works...if you forget to turn it off and take him out of the crib, the alarm goes off to remind you. In spite of the lack of sleep, the crying, and still be sore from the c-section, this has been the most amazing month of my life. This incredible little man has changed our lives. Neither of us knew we could love something so deeply and immediately. They say you have this bond from birth...I loved him at birth, but I fall more and more in love with him everyday. I would do anything for him, and I know Casey feels the same way. We look forward to many, many more months and years to come with this sweet baby!

May 13th, COLIC!

My poor sweet boy has colic. This explains why he has been crying so much. We have some medicine and we are changing his formula. Hopefully he will be feeling much better soon!

May 12, 2008

Here are some more pics of Cameron on his changing table. He is finally starting to stay awake some and interact with us. He will look around and seems more alert. He is also crying more and for long periods of time. This has been stressful because the poor baby can't tell us what is wrong. It makes you feel so helpless. We try everything. He eats; we change his diaper, but nothing helps. It usually happens at night, but we will survive. Besides the crying, he is really becoming fun. He is showing signs of his personality. He is going to be so amazing!

Friday, June 6, 2008

May 6th, 2 weeks old

Well we made it to the two week mark! Cameron has gained all of his weight back from birth and is doing really well. He is still being held all the time because he doesn't like to be put down anywhere. He isn't sleeping in his crib yet, but we are working on it. Thank goodness we have such helpful families! Here are some pics from his 2 week mark...he is a beautiful boy!

May 3rd, 2008

We decided to try to get out of the house for some fresh air and take Cameron to the lake for a picnic. Clarks Hill has special meaning to us because it is where we got engaged and where Casey lived the whole time we dated. We have spent many nights out by the lake, and we wanted to take Cam. We loaded up all of our baby supplies, got Subway for lunch, and headed out for an afternoon in the sun. Cameron slept through most of the trip, but we had fun anyway! It was good to get out of the house and have some time together. Cameron woke up on the way home and we think he was shocked to find a world outside of our house. He picture is priceless and explains it all! :)

The first week

Here are some pictures from the first was rough, but we made it! :)