Saturday, October 11, 2008

24 weeks!

It is amazing to me to think Cam turned 24 weeks old this past week. I can remember every detail of his birth so vividly and still think about it all the time. I remember the first few days, and when I look back at pictures I can't believe how much he has changed and grown. Just a few major things...he eats so much now! He eats twice a day, and he loves peas, bananas, applesauce, sweet potatoes, and squash. He likes carrots, pears, and peaches, and he hates greenbeans. He is so funny when he eats. He wants to try to help you, and if you aren't getting the food to his mouth fast enough- he lets you know. He talks ALL the time and is hillarious. He has now learned dada, and it is about all he says- over and over. I'm not convinced he knows who "dada" is because he yells it whether Casey is around or not, but all the same it is a sweet, sweet sound. We are working on mama, and even if he doesn't make the connection and I am mama I will probably cry the first time he says it. :)
He loves outside still. He still hates car rides and his car seat. Some days he hates them more than others. He like a stroller when he isn't tired or hungry.
He is now putting himself to sleep. That is really the only way he goes to sleep. We can try to walk with him and rock him like we use to, but he doesn't go to sleep. He will still go to sleep with his bottle at night and that is when we get our cuddling and loving in. He is such a sweet baby and so so happy. I am attaching a video below of his new favorite word.


Nicole Roberts said...

So sweet! He's getting to be such a big boy!

Holly said...

Awww...I remember those days. Enjoy every minute because they grow up so fast! He is so adorable :)