Sunday, September 28, 2008

Much needed update...

Well I have to say I am disappointed in myself. I had really intended to be a faithful blogger, but things have not worked out that way. I have just gotten SO busy living and enjoying life that I forget to write about it. I really hoped that one day I would be able to print out all of these blogs and use them as a baby book of sorts, but I realize now there isn't much to share. I am sad, because Cameron is growing so fast, but I just can't find the time. It is amazing how fast everything goes. I LOVE my life right now though, and my baby is the most perfect thing ever created. He is so much fun and changes He is hillarious eating. You can't get it to him fast enough, and he definitely lets you know. His favorite thing in the world right now is his jump and go. He will stay in it for hours somedays. Yesterday he jumped for an hour and 15 minutes straight. He laughs and laughs. I finally took him out because I thought he needed a break. His daddy insists he is already working on his vertical so he can be a good basketball player. I'm not sure, but either way it is REALLY cute! Apparently he really like Winnie the Pooh and Dora. It is part of his morning routine at Ms. Rachel's. I have not experienced this since they don't come on during the weekends, but this is what I hear. He has a stuffed animal that he loves, George the Monkey. He has become the trick for a happy car ride. He will usually just hold George and talk to him while in the car, which is a good change from the screaming he use to do. He is trying very hard to sit up now. You can't leave him anywhere, which we unfortunately found out this weekend. Until now it wasn't necessary to strap him in his boppy seat, but now he will sit up and fall out. Luckily he was on the floor when he broke out this new trick so he didn't hurt himself, but it scared us! He puts himself to sleep now. It is too cute. He usually whines a little bit, less than a minute, and will then talk to himself until he goes on out. This whole process usually lasts less thatn 3-4 minutes. Lastly and the most exciting news is he cut his first tooth yesterday (Sept. 27th). He had been obviously beginning to cut them. You could feel the raised place in his gums and he was chewing on everything. Last night in the car he was chewing and I put my finger in to feel and there was a little corner coming up. He has done surpising good with it. He was waking up a lot during the night, but the doctor said to give him tylenol before bed and if needed rub baby orajel on his gums, and that has done the trick. I can't believe he is over 5 months already. It is surreal feeling and so strange. It seems like it hasn't been that long, yet I don't really remember much about how it was before him. He is amazing and we are having such a good time with him. Everyone that meets him or sees him talks about how lucky we are to have such a happy baby. He smiles at everyone and puts on a show. They (whoever they is) say that you can tell their disposition by now, and if you can, we will have our hands full. I'm just happy he is such a content and happy boy. He is always fun. Ok I hope I do a better job with this blogging thing. We will see!

1 comment:

Nicole Roberts said...

Glad to see an update. :) Just FYI...Dora comes on Noggin during the primetime hours. Walker's a huge fan of that show too. So...if you are just dying to see it and you have Noggin, check it out.