Monday, July 7, 2008

Happy 4th of July

We spent 4th of July at Lake Sin Claire with Casey's family. We had a good time and Cameron had his first lake experience. He LOVED it! Bebe bought him a little baby pool and he had fun with it, but really liked the lake. We were so suprised that he didn't get scared or cry. It was like he had been doing it his whole life. He floated around and kicked and splashed and looked ADORABLE in his lifejacket. He also really enjoyed the boat. It put him to sleep quickly after all of his swimming. The fireworks didn't scare him too bad. Overall it was a really good trip. On another note, Cameron is scooting like crazy. He smiles ALL the time and "talks" so much. He makes all sorts of noises and tries so hard to communicate. He has found his hands and stares at them and then shoves them and anything else in his mouth. He is drooling everywhere, but we don't care! His spit up gets better and worse. Some feedings there is none, and other feedings you wonder how he is still full. I just keep remembering he is gaining weight and this is temporary. Speaking of weight...we visited Aunt Abbey at her office when we were in Covington and Cameron weighed 13 pounds and 13 ounces!!! BIG BOY! We go to our doctor tomorrow for shots! :( I'm really dreading it, but I know we have to do it. I'll let you know how it goes. Here are some pics of the 4th. He is adorable!

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